It's another week of 'Finish This'! This is week #31.. can you believe it? Join us each week by linking onto At the bottom of the page will be next week's questions. Simply answer the questions in a blog post and then link up next Wednesday.
This week is about school days!
If I went back to school, I would study.. teaching. I should have been a teacher of some sort. I used to work as a trainer back in the days and I loved it.
My favorite subject in school... English. I was such a nerd. I loved reading the books that were assigned and I loved to write. My second favorite subject was Debate class. If you gave me a topic I could argue both sides of the topic; I still can.
I wish I had paid more attention...when it came to furthering my education. Actually, I wish I had seeked assistance on how to further my education. Instead of doing this I simply got two jobs and worked my booty off and climbed the corporate ladder. I do not regret not furthering my education by the means of college but I do wonder where I would be now.
The dumbest thing I did in high school was.. oh goodness, this was dumb! Back in the olden days, before internet and cell phones, they had 'chat' lines. A 'chat' line was when you would call a local number and it had 7 or so people on the same line and the goal was to get the attention of that one person. What can I say, in 9th grade my friend and I were bored one day. We had fun times, but boy.. were we stupid!
In high school, I thought I knew... this is a tough question because I knew everything!
Written by: Aimee Fauci