House of Fauci's Pinterest

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

'Finish This' Week 16

This is my first 'Finish This' link- up that is hosted by the ladies above. I found the 'Finish This' on Nicole's blog - Three 31.  I am cordially inviting everyone that has the benefit of reading my 'Finish This' to stop on over and play along. It's actually really fun and thought provoking as well! Let's do this:

1- My favorite make up item is.... Really? I am such a 'plain Jane' kind of girl that I stick with simple mascara, base, blush, and eye shadow and only when I have to. I rarely buy makeup and when I do I look at the makeup aisles so confused and clueless and then I freak out because the cost of makeup is so incredibly high. I kid you not, I am due to buy some mascara and I probably have not bought mascara in two years. I still use my eye shadow from 10 years ago. I am cheap and I am boring.

2- The best book I've ever read was probably The Hunger Games trilogy and I say this because that was a series of books I could not put down. I became so obsessed with those books that I had nightmares. I dreamed that I was Katniss's side kick and that I was running and could not run fast enough; side note I am NOT a fast runner nor am I a good runner so if this actually happened in real life I would be the first to die!

3- My favorite TV show is.... This one is kind of embarrassing because I am obsessed with any and all seasons, except Miami, of the Housewives. I like a lot of other shows and I have Netflixed certain shows and watched the entire seasons within days but I have only been truly dedicated with the 'Housewives'.  I know it is staged but something about watching those women makes me happy that I am who I am and not jealous at all of their riches, cause they are too full of Botox and really don't seem very happy.

4- The most spontaneous thing I've ever done was... decide on Christmas night to drive from Texas to Disneyland the next day with the family (me , my husband, 2 year old and a 3 year old). In all honesty, it was my husband's spontaneous idea and I will admit that I fought with him and told him that there was NO WAY I was going to sit in the car with two girls under 5 and drive 20+ hours to Disney. My goodness my house was not clean and laundry was not clean nor did I feel like I had time to pack,  after he told me that he was going with or without me, I decided to join in his spontaneity and we had fun.

5- I prefer outside cats that do not belong to me and that I can feed and pet, but allow me to go on vacation while they fend for themselves. Before I had kids of my own, I used to be a dog person. I actually had a Maltese and for a while I thought she was a person and so did she, but then after I had kids I figured out she was a dog but she didn't. Since I have to be responsible for my own kids, I am not very good with dealing with animals, therefore I prefer the outside cat that can catch a bird or bug if I am not around to feed it.

6- I met my significant other at work. After a friend of his sent him to my department to 'check me out', he continued to 'check me out' for a week or so while I kept thinking what a weirdo he was. After he convinced me to go to lunch we never stopped talking and we actually moved in with one another after a month of 'hanging out' and we've been together ever since-- 19 years..

Written by: Aimee Fauci


  1. Awe love the story about how you met your husband.

  2. This seems fun! I might have to give it a shot. :) Thanks for sharing!

  3. Fun link up!! I need to do this one one week!! And a spontaneous trip to Disney World?? I'm down!

    1. Disney was fun.. I was just nervous with driving so long with 2 kids...

  4. What a cute love story! I love reading how other couples met!

    Stopping by from the link up.

  5. I love post like these! It really helps to get to know the blogger more better. Great link up!

    1. I agree! It's fun to read about blogger's personal lives!

  6. How much fun! I am impressed the the Disney Land trip. Your kids will always hold that in their memories.

  7. I'v enjoyed getting to know you through this post! My secret TV obsession is Scandal. I can't get enough! :)

    1. I binged on Scandal on Netflix.. S-1 was the best!!! S-2 a little slow. Have not seen S-3, kinda scared it might disappoint.

  8. I love Bravo shows too! A little too much!

    1. it's sickening... isn't it!!! I just saw there is a new London/ America type of house wife show coming in June!

  9. I stayed up all night to read the Hunger Games series, gave them to my son who did the same thing. They are good and the movies are very close to the books.

    1. I could not put those darn books down, I think that is why I had nightmares!

  10. I don't think you are cheap and boring at all! I think you are gorgeous and us natural girls (I don't wear makeup either) need to stick together :) I also love the last photo of you and your husband! No body loves a cowboy hates than Texans :) Thank you for sharing!

  11. Orange county Housewives is my favorite out of all of them! The entire show is a complete train wreck, but I can't peel my eyes off the screen! Love it! ~ Laura, Everyday Confetti

    1. Orange County is the one on right now, right? Where is that one chick that was on last season whose mom smokes weed and is into fairy dust? She only lasted one season?

  12. Welcome, Aimee, I'm so glad you joined the link party!!!! I'm so glad someone else likes The Real Housewives as much as I do ... and I dislike the Miami set as well. I've watched every season, every city, except Miami, a gazillion and one times. I cannot get enough of the craziness. I am really happy you joined the fun and hope you'll come back next week for another round of prompts. BIG HUGS!

  13. I haven't been to Florida, I reallt want to check it out. Your how I met my husband story is so sweet!!! Jeff came over to pick me up for a date one night during a tornado. He never went home, ha!

  14. omg. Love that you said "Something about watching those women makes me happy that I am who I am". I feel the same way about the "Housewives" shows. They're hilarious and sad at the same time.

  15. I am so with you on the cats. Having a dog is like having a toddler who won't grow out of it!
