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Tuesday, May 27, 2014

'Finish This' Week 21

Guess what day it is?

Yes, that is what I would say also, but today is also the link up to 'Finish This'! The 'Finish Up' ladies and I cordially invite you to join us each HUMP DAY. Just click here

Now let's get started with the Wednesday fun! 

1- The best mistake I ever made... trusting that I was not able to get pregnant! 

2- From this mistake, I learned... that you should 'never say never'! 

3- When I am anxious, I tell myself... to calm down and breath but to grab the Imodium just in case that does not work. 
But do grab the Imodium.. just in case! 
4- All I really want to do is... have a day or two alone. Just a day where I can rest and not worry about laundry, dishes, who is crying, who is fighting who. Just a day to rest my sleepy head. 


  1. I shouldn't have trusted the docs that it was medically impossible for me to get pregnant on my own! Although they had years of being right on their side....

  2. I feel like today is Tuesday because of the short week! I am absolutely off!! Crusing from Texas Bloggers. Hope you have a great week!

  3. Oh gosh, I wasn't sure if I should laugh or be worried at the anxiety question...

  4. Oh my gosh, I'm so tired of being tired but I'm tired because I'm a mommy and I wouldn't trade a millisecond of this experience for ANYTHING in the world. However, I'll be walking around this Wednesday like a true "Mombie" because I got 0.920850925 hours of sleep last night. SMILE!!!!!

  5. I'm tired of always being busy and getting pulled to do something all over the place! I need time to myself!

  6. The hump day commercial just makes me laugh. And even though I don't work the 9 to 5 area or have small children, life just makes me tired. Ugh

  7. LOL Love that Camel commercial! mike mike mike! hehe And loved the immodium remark. only because it reminds me of me! :-)

  8. lol, this whole post cracks me up!! =)

  9. I really wish my doctor was wrong when she told me I couldn't get pregnant on my own.

    1. And by "on my own" I mean without medicine. Of course I know I cannot get pregnant by myself lol

  10. LOL!!! Loved it. And, oh yeah. That day or two alone sounds pretty good to me. I would love to sleep in and get up & out of the bed when I want to. Ahh..I'm catching a visual.

  11. I so relate to that last photo! I am so tired of being tired! Ah!

  12. I love my family, but I've got to have my "me" time!

  13. I really wish someone would have told me that all family isn't on your side *face palm*

  14. LOL, immodium! I'll remember that next time I tell myself to "breath"...

  15. I was also told I couldn't get pregnant - but after several fertility treatments, we have our miracle!! These quotes are amazing!

  16. I wish I could just sleep. On weekends, I can't even sleep in. My body is conditioned to wake up early. On Monday, I slept in until 8 and that was late for me.

    Thanks for visiting my blog.

  17. I keep forgetting this is Wednesday. I took a looong weekend :) Thank you for the reminder.

  18. You've just given me my laugh for the day. :) I love 3 and 4! #3 reminds me to always carry Imodium, just in case. Hahaha.... And as for #4, we all have those days when we just don't want to do anything but relax, chill and relax some more. Screw the dishes, the laundry, the piles of clothes to press, the mess to pick up, the garden to tend, the food to cook... Sometimes, we all need that coveted M-E time :)

  19. this was funny! Hump Day! the weekend is just that much closer! :)

  20. The week coming to a close for me means that my son will be leaving me for the next few months to go to grandmas house for the summer :(
